10 Tips for a Better Life
More compassion, less judgement and a whole lot of humor can make our lives BETTER.
What to do with Unhappiness
When you’re down in the dumps, your work is to figure out what’s blocking your happiness.
Honesty While Dating
There’s easy honest and hard honest - but most people just want to hear the truth.
Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
Learn how to become aware of your daily habits though movements called the Feldenkrais method.
How to Get People to Like You
When we are truly being ourselves and not faking it, people will fall in love with you. And those who don’t, screw ‘em.
What Do You Love About Yourself?
You say “I love you” to everyone else, what do you love about YOU? There are four steps to reverse negative thoughts about ourselves.
Ask and Then Let Go
How to ask for what you want in life, without being attached to the outcome.
in Family, Happiness, Health, Relationships
Who Will Miss You When You’re Gone?
Death sucks, especially for the living. But being missed can be a good thing.