How to Make Food Your Friend

How to Make Food Your Friend

While you’re working on having a good relationship with yourself and others — how’s your relationship with food?
If you’re like me… your feelings toward food involve guilt, deprivation, overindulgence and confusion.

In this podcast my guest teaches us how certain foods make us feel, what foods we should be eating to feel good, how to eat simply, and my favorite, how to eliminate guilt while eating. Massi Miranda is a personal trainer and yoga instructor, and tells us way we can have a healthy relationship with food and what the heck we should be eating!

This Episode's Feaured Guest

Massi is a personal trainer and yoga instructor based in Miami Florida that has experienced issues with food in her own life. She now works directly with individuals to help them understand their relationship with food, and to use it as fuel.


You can listen to today's episode above or in iTunes or Stitcher (where I’d also LOVE to get your reviews on those platforms if you have a moment).

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