How to Get Along With Your Ex

How to Get Along With Your Ex

“My ex-husband is a jerk.”
“My former wife thinks she knows everything.”
“My old boyfriend is such an a-hole.”

These are typical statements and feelings from people no longer with the person they once loved.
The fact is breakups are tough, heartbreaking, and always emotion-filled.
But what if we didn’t have to carry around the negative emotions that come with a break up?
What if we actually… sit down for this… GOT ALONG WITH OUR EX?!
Today’s guests are going to tell us exactly how to do that.
They’re a man and woman divorced from each other and with an amazing friendship.
They share their secrets on how let go of anger, judgement and give kindness to the person we once may have wanted to

This Episode's Feaured Guest

Therapy for me is a way of living, a way of challenging myself and my clients to live from our highest potential and “best” self. I am less interested in what is wrong with you, than I am in what is right with you, and how we can build on that to help you live a constructive and productive life.


You can listen to today's episode above or in iTunes or Spotify (where I’d also LOVE to get your reviews on those platforms if you have a moment).

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